Policies & Tuition

Information for Current and Future Members

Online PaymentsPayments can be made online by creating an account. Click here to sign in/register.

Tuition Policies

There is a NONREFUNDABLE annual enrollment fee of $45.00 for all students. This is payable at the time of enrollment. At the time of registration, students are considered enrolled for the entire year (August – June). If you wish to discontinue your class, please notify the office in writing before the first of the month. You will be charged your regular tuition plus late fees until we are notified.

  • Family discount: Additional family members’ first hour will be $77 instead of $87
  • All pricing is per immediate family only (same household)
  • Monthly tuition is based on an AVERAGE of 4 lessons per month
  • Private lessons are also available

Monthly Cost Per Student


All dance tuition is due on the 1st of each month. After a 7-day grace period, tuition is considered past-due. A $15 late fee is automatically charged to your account on the 8th. In case of absence, you are responsible for mailing or bringing your tuition to the studio before it is past due, unless you have made previous arrangements with our office. Tuition is the same each month and does not change due to holidays. Monthly tuition is an average of 4 lessons per month.

Tuition will NOT be refunded, credited, or prorated in the case of absence(s). NO EXCEPTIONS.

Please notify the Artistry In Motion Performing Arts Center of any changes of address, home or work phone numbers. If paying in cash, please pay with the exact amount. If no one is in the studio office, all payments should be put in the locked Payment Box located in the studio office door. Instructors cannot accept your payment. Credit cards are accepted through our web site and at the office.

There will be a $35.00 service charge for any returned check. Checks must be picked up at the studio office with repayment in cash or money order with the $30 service charge included. Tuition may be mailed to the studio address. Please make sure the name of the student(s) and what the payment covers is written clearly on the check.

The studio address is:

Davis Towne Crossing 8245 Precinct Line Rd Suit 190, North Richland Hills Tx, 76182

Attendance Policies

In order to take full advantage of the instruction offered, regular attendance is necessary. Please contact the studio office when your child will be absent. An absence may be made up by participating with another class, if available, and only if the studio office is notified in advance. All make-up dance classes must be during the same month and can only be scheduled by the studio office. There will be no make up lessons in April and May for classes participating in the Recital. Tuition will not be refunded, credited, or prorated in the case of absence(s). NO EXCEPTIONS!

Monthly Cost Per Student

Hours per Week Cost
1/2 hr $46
3/4 hr $60
1 hr $87
1 1/4 hrs $100
1 1/2 hrs $112
2 hrs $137
2 1/2 hrs $162
3 hrs $187
3 1/2 hrs $212
4 hrs $237
4 1/2 hrs $262
5 hrs $287
5 1/2 hrs $312
6 hrs $337
7 hrs $387
8 hrs $437

Student/Family Max

  • 1st student $437
  • 2nd student $237
  • Two student family max is $674
  • 3rd or more students $112
  • Three student family max is $786

*Please Note*

Drop in rates: 1 hour class – $30 and a 1.5 hour class – $35″